Take us up on a complimentary assessment. We offer this for two reasons:

  We want to understand your situation to ensure our expertise is a good fit.

  We also want to give you an opportunity to evaluate our services before making a decision to work with the firm. 

A complimentary assessment generally focuses on:

  Identifying retirement income strategies;

  Tax minimization opportunities; and

  Coordinated investment strategies



The Process


Step 1: Schedule a 20 – 30 minute call

An initial call gives us both a chance to make sure your situation matches our expertise. 

After-all, you wouldn’t hire an electrician to fix your plumbing.

Schedule a Call


Step 2: Gather the facts

Should we agree to move forward with an assessment, we’ll ask you to provide some additional information such as Social Security estimates and investment account statements.


Step 3: Review Assessment

Once your assessment is complete, we’ll have a 1-hour meeting to review our findings. In plain language, we’ll describe areas where we see opportunity specific to your situation. We’ll also explain what type of strategies we think are optimal and why.


Make an informed decision!

At the end of this process, we’ll provide a summary of the assessment and the cost of working with our firm. We will NOT ask you to make an immediate decision. Choosing a financial planning firm is big decision and we’re only interested in long-term client relationships. Therefore, we want to give you plenty of time to digest the discussion and circle back with any further questions.